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Universitas Budi Luhur membuka Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Program Studi :

Universitas terbaik Jakarta

Selamat datang di Universitas Budi Luhur, Universitas terbaik di Jakarta
Cerdas berbudi luhur adalah dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan, kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan orang lain.


Paradise Island

The islands are beautiful is the dream of all people, especially for those beach lovers and want to enjoy the beach.
water is still clear and beautiful natural atmosphere will spoil for anyone to come and have fun on the island that some of them call it a paradise island.
In this blog I will share a bit of information about the island paradise island in the world as a whole human dream.


Bare Island

The island has certainly changed since those tranquil days. In the 1870s the authorities of New South Wales had the view that the Russians were likely to invade Australia. Therefore, in 1877 two British fortification experts, Sir Peter Scratchley and William Jervois were sent to Australia as a result of a request from the Colony of New South Wales. They were given the task of designing and co-ordinating the defence of Sydney and they planned a series of forts and gun batteries to protect against attack. Bare Island was planned as the sole defence of Botany Bay. The fortifications on the island were built during the period 1881 to 1889 under the direction of the Colonial Architect, James Barnet. The barracks were completed in 1891. It became apparent that the fort and barracks had been subject to substandard workmanship and this led not only to the resignation of James Barnet, it led to a Board of Inquiry and then to Australia's first Royal Commission.
For more information about the Bare Island Fort.
Bare Island Rainbow
A photograph of Bare Island on a stormy day
with a perfect rainbow
Joined to the mainland by a small timber bridge, Bare Island is perfect for either day or night diving in almost all weather. In even moderate seas you can safely dive in almost any spot and in very heavy seas you can usually dive the protected (right) side of the island. Only in huge seas (say over five metres average) can you not get a dive at Bare Island. There are many different dives can be done around the island itself, as well as along the shore on either side of the bridge. These are listed below with a short description.
When diving here, beware of small boats and jet skis which regularly speed under the bridge, taking no notice of dive flags or the ban on jet skis. When ascending at the end of a dive anywhere near Bare Island, make sure you listen before leaving the bottom. Best bet is to not ascend at all, even if you have lost your buddy. Swim back to shore before ascending.

Shark Island

Named Shark Island (Shark Island) because it supposedly is very dangerous territory for the gob navigable in the 19th century. This is because at that time, the landscape of this island can make the current high tides making the sharks in the deep keen to sail the region. Image that has changed since 1880 and 1975 when this small island used as a land animal, public recreation, and partly for storage of goods.

Berluas 1.5 acre island berlokasihanya 1 mile from Rose Bay. From here the view is spectacular, the sydney harbor complete with the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. By day, the ships sail the strait. Upon arrival, visitors will be greeted with white sand beaches and calm waves. In the island provided a special picnic, complete with tables, chairs, and a gazebo placed in the shadow of a big tree.

Here is quite a rocky road, but surrounded by a well-groomed greenery. There is also a green grassy area very wide, like a small savanna. Common facilities here complete, ranging from toilets and fresh water. Romantic, manager offers wedding packages that can accommodate up to 500 people on the island.


Christmas Island

Snorkeling - Enjoy under water activity over water

You can also admire the underwater attractions by staying above or on water by the help of enthralling sporty activity of snorkeling. Visit to Christmas Island is incomplete without the exploration of clear watery seas which showcases extensive varieties of tropical fishes hidden under water. Such awe-inspiring flowing images below ground level can be observed just a few meters from the shore. Traveling to this destination is only worth if you are able to grab this opportunity to snorkel in island.
With this activity there will be no more requirement for getting yourself into the pool of water, as you can catch the glimpse of under water activity from above. You will perceive a stunning sensation while staring at the marine life existing under water in this island. Gazing at the frolic attitude of ever cheerful dolphins and stable coral reefs in their natural form is much more than an energetic doze. So for more amazing and colorful outburst at your trip, do go for snorkeling.

Harbour Island

Harbour Island Bahamas 
Harbour Island Bahamas is located off the northeast coast of Eleuthera Island. The largest city in Harbour Island Bahamas is Dunmore Town, and the island still maintains much of the old time charm of the Bahamas that has been obscured by resorts and casinos on larger islands like Paradise or New Providence. That isn't to say, however, that Harbour Islands Bahamas doesn't have some excellent resorts of its own. The island also features the famous three mile stretch of pink sand beach, which is the perfect place for swimming, diving, and snorkeling.
Harbour Island is one of the oldest settlements in the Bahamas, and to reach you will need to either take a boat or plane from the island's neighbor, Eleuthera Island. As one of the oldest settlements, there are some excellent historical sites that are worth seeing. A walk through Dunmore Town will take only about 30 minutes, but the relaxed atmosphere of the town and the old buildings will make it a pleasant stroll. Along the way, you can check out Loyalist Cottage (so named for the loyalist who built it in 1797 when he left America after the Revolutionary War to hold his allegiance to the crown), St. John's church and the Wesley Methodist church. Both buildings are quite old and still in use.
Your Harbour Island vacation can also include a number of beach activities. The famous pink sand beach Bahamas is considered by some to be the best beach in the Bahamas. The pink sand beach Bahamas stretches out for 3 miles, and the cove is protected by a reef barrier that creates a gentle place for swimming and snorkeling. The pink sand beach Bahamas is flanked by hotels and resorts, but nevertheless it remains a beautiful place to spend a day at the beach.
In addition to beachcombing, you may want to include scuba diving in your Harbour Island vacation. There are a number of diving choices near Harbour Island, but the most popular is the Current Cut Dive. This is considered to be one of the most exiting dives in the world, due to the fact that divers are pulled along in quickly moving current right along with the fish for almost a mile in less then 10 minutes. To book this dive you can speak with any hotel concierge once you've arrived, or mention the dive to your travel agent when planning your Harbour Island vacation.

Shopping and dining on the island are both pleasurable experiences. The island has none of the sprawling monoliths that dominate some of the busier islands. Instead, there is an excellent straw market with handmade goods and usually a nice selection of fresh fruit and homemade food. Restaurants are equally unassuming and yet provide excellent local cuisine. A few modest bars can also be found in Dunmore Town. To reach Harbour Island, you can take a catamaran from Nassau, or fly into North Eleuthera and take a water ferry from there. Taking the flight will put you in Harbour Island about 30 minutes sooner than the catamaran.