


Raja Ampat Island

Raja Ampat marine tourism potential potential as Kofiau Island, Misool, South and West and Waigeo Ayau islands. The beauty that can be enjoyed is the white sandy beaches and crystal clear sea water so it can be seen directly underwater life without snorkeling or diving.

Exoticism Raja Ampat

Papua Diving, the only exotic resort that offers underwater tours in the region, visited by tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even up to a month-ford the contours of the seabed. They seemed to not want to return to their own countries because they get the "island paradise second to none on this earth".Managers is not easy to prepare a place for tourists. Maximillian J Ammer, owner of Dutch citizens of Papua Diving Resort is also pioneering marine tourism drive this region, need desperately to set up various facilities to attract tourists from abroad. Since he started his business eight years ago, many of the funds must be spent. However, the results are also satisfactory. Each year the resort is visited at least 600 special tourist who spent an average of two weeks.Lodging is very simple that only a walled and roofed woven palm leaves that cost at least 75 euro or Rp 900,000 a night. If you want to dive must pay 30 euros, or about Rp 360.000 one dive at a particular location. Most tourists come from Europe. Only a few tourists from Indonesia to stay and dive in there."Tourists dive almost every day because the dive sites are very wide and varied. The beauty of the coral reefs are varied so much choice and invite curiosity. There are tourists who are aged 80 years strong still diving, "said Max Ammer which women married to Manado.Three years ago, Papua Diving build a modern inn not far from the first location. Apparently, the inn was built by relying on local building materials are almost always fully booked. Though the charge reaches 225 euros, or about Rp 2.7 million per night. In the new location, equipped with modern appliances, including international telephone and internet facilities.Tourists to the Raja Ampat Diving just want to Papua on the island of Mansuar because the facilities are of international standard and servants, as well as food. They landed at the airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, directly to the location by speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach Mansuar.

Like the other islands, Mansuar looks beautiful because of its forests are still awake and the seawater was so clean of marine life which is not far from the surface can be seen clearly. Tourists enough to swim or snorkelling areas to see the beauty of the sea, whereas if you want to observe directly beauty of marine life in the depths, they should dive.

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